
LVAAS Membership

Our mission is to promote astronomy by making educational programs and resources available to our members and the community.

If you have any questions about Membership please email Rich Hogg at

Click here for new member application forms:
Online (preferred)
Printable PDF

Click Here for renewal information

Two Membership Types:

Supporting Member and Full Member

Supporting Members are members who pay annual dues to support our mission, and they are not actively participating in the Society.  They do not go through the two-reading process.  They can attend all member and public events, but do not have "Full Member" privileges.

Full Members are members who pay annual dues to support our mission, and they are actively involved in the Society.  They go through our two-reading process to gain "Full Member" privileges.  Full Members are eligible to use our telescopes after going through training and paying the appropriate key deposit.  They may vote, run for officer positions, make motions at meetings, and they may serve on the Board of Governors.  Full Members have access to the Society's library and the Society's rental telescope program.

Membership Categories:

$ 15   Junior Membership:  For children under the age of 18 who are interested in astronomy.

$ 45   Adult Membership:  Available to all over the age of 18 who are interested in astronomy.  Full-time students can get a discount on their dues if they show proof (class schedule and school ID) to the Membership Chairperson.  Contact to learn more about the student discount.

$ 65   Family Membership:  Great for those who have multiple family members interested in astronomy.  Two adults and their dependents living at the same address may apply for this cost saving membership.

$ 90   Sustaining Membership:  For those who want to become a Life Member after paying double dues for ten consecutive years.

$ 675  Life Membership:  For those who love astronomy and want to become a life long member of LVAAS.  You pay a one time sum to become a Life Member.

All membership dues and donations may be tax deductible as LVAAS is an IRS §501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization.

If you would like to give an additional donation, you may designate it to the General Fund, 40-Inch Telescope Fund, Pulpit Rock Development (PRoD) Fund or the South Mountain Roof Fund.  If you do not designate your donation, we shall put it in the General Fund, which may be used for anything approved by the Board of Governors.

About the LVAAS "dues calendar"

LVAAS dues are not pro-rated, but levied on a calendar year basis. Renewal dues is due by March 1st of each year and becomes delinquent if not paid by April 1st. At this time, privileges are suspended for a member who has not paid, and they may be dropped from the membership rolls on June 1st.

New members who join on or after October 1st are credited with dues for the following year. (If you are concerned about getting the most "bang for your buck" when joining LVAAS, October is the best deal and September is the worst.)

How to Pay Your Dues:

Online via PayPal:

You can donate through our PayPal link using a credit card, debit card or PayPal account:

Note:  You do not need to have a PayPal account set up to pay through our link!!

Please write in the "Note" or "Comment Section" your name and type of Membership.  If last names are different please list them.

John Doe Adult Membership
Jane Doe's Family Membership (Jane, Josh, Meghan, and Kyle)
Family Membership (Sophia Doe, John Ore, Mike Doe, Jacob Ore)If you are new to paying through PayPal, please check out our helpful tutorial:

Check, Money Order or Cash:

Make all checks and money orders payable to "LVAAS"

Bring your check, money order or cash to a General Meeting.  If you cannot attend in person, please mail your check or money order to the Membership Director, Rich Hogg.  Please do not mail cash!

LVAAS Membership
c/o Rich Hogg
1133 Wellington Circle
Laurys Station, PA   18059

About the Society

The Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society, Inc (LVAAS) is an IRS §501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to promote astronomy by making educational programs and resources available to our members and the community.  Society membership is open to anyone who has an interest in astronomy and wants to benefit from our programs and activities, no matter your current knowledge or skill.

Upon receipt of your application form and dues, you become a Supporting Member.   If you complete the two-reading process you become a Full Member who has Full Member privileges.  Your first reading is done at a General Meeting you pay your dues.  You will be asked to introduce yourself to the Society, tell us your interests in astronomy, and how you found out about us.  You then must attend another General Meeting within six months of the first to complete your second reading, where you must only be present to complete your second reading.  The two-reading process is required for any member who wants to obtain keys to access the Society's telescopes, use the library, vote, make motions, run for office, hold a board position and/or participate in our rental telescope program.

The General Meetings are usually held the second Sunday of each month, but please see our calendar for details.  Observing sessions for members are held regularly at both of the South Mountain and Pulpit Rock locations.  Both locations feature medium to large aperture telescopes in permanent observatories, and the Society also operates a planetarium, the "Red Shift" gift and snack shop, a workshop, and a library.  We host Star Parties (public and members only), astro-imaging meetings and events for scout troops.  Public star parties are held year round, and are held rain or shine.  We offer public planetarium programs for groups by request.

LVAAS is 100% self-supporting.  We rely on donations and dues for our income, and we flourish because of the talented members who volunteer!  Most of our buildings and equipment was built by previous members!  Please consider donating your time to help keep LVAAS great!  If you cannot donate your time, consider giving a monetary donation.

Members looking to register for the website should contact the Technology Director, Rich Hogg at:

Last Updated Tuesday, October 01 2024 @ 10:43 AM EDT  48,665 Hits 
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