LVAAS Activities
As an LVAAS member, you have access to a wide variety of activities, both educational and social, which support your individual interests in astronomy. Examples of such activities include: amateur telescope making, astroimaging, public outreach programs, monthly star parties, monthly observing field meets, family picnic, holiday party, our annual MegaMeet weekend campout and field meet, etc.
These activities are organized and administered by LVAAS members whose interests coincide with a particular activity. If an activity, or special interest group, doesn’t already exist, members are free to form it. The flexibility to accommodate member interest and needs is one of the reasons the LVAAS has continued to grow and has been a successful society since 1957.
As an educational society, the LVAAS continues to support astronomy education through many public outreach programs and activities. Members who choose to participate in these activities have donated hundreds of hours of their time conducting seminars at our public star parties, schools, scouting events and other public venues. As a result, the LVAAS is recognized within the local community for its educational contributions to astronomy outreach.
Click on the “Activities” menu in the left hand column for more detailed information about our existing activities.
Last Updated Thursday, December 19 2019 @ 02:17 PM EST
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