LVAAS Youth Sponsorship Program
Proudly administered by Astronomy in the Community
Purpose: The Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society (LVAAS) Youth Sponsorship Program aims to foster Astronomy interest among young LVAAS members by providing financial and in-kind support for ambitious Astronomy related projects. By recognizing and rewarding their dedication, we inspire future generations of astronomers within our community.
Quick Notes: Applications open September 1, 2025. Application Deadline is January 16, 2026. The initial 2026 program comes with a $1,000 monetary grant. It is eligible for LVAAS Members only, if you are not a member, please visit our Membership Page. Further eligibility requirements include youth members up to 25 years old, have volunteered at a minimum of 4 LVAAS events in 2025, and proposed an Astronomy focused project with a completion date of December 2026. For questions, please contact Claudio M. Stabile at
1. Program Goals:
Enhance Membership Engagement: Increase member engagement by showcasing the accomplishments of young LVAAS members and providing opportunities for members to support these projects.
Foster Interest in Astronomy: Encourage and support young members of the LVAAS community in pursuing their interests in Astronomy.
Recognize and Reward Ambition: Acknowledge and reward the dedication and hard work of youth members who are undertaking challenging and meaningful projects
Inspire Future Generations: Serve as a role model for younger members and inspire them to pursue their own passions.
2. Eligibility:
Age: Open to LVAAS members up to 25 years old. This would include high school, college, and young professionals, expanding the pool of eligible applicants and potentially providing more significant support for their academic or career goals.
Membership: Applicants must be active members of LVAAS.
Volunteering: Applicants must have volunteered at 4 LVAAS events prior to application.
Merit Based: Program is based on Merit only and not financial needs.
Project Focus: Projects must have a clear Astronomy focus with a completion date of December 2026 or earlier. This could encompass a wide range of activities, including:
Astronomy projects: Library telescope, observatory, celestial event tracking, modeling, etc.
Research projects: Independent studies, scientific experiments, data analysis
Engineering projects: Building and testing astronomy related hardware prototypes, robotics, 3D printing
Computer science projects: Programming, software development, AI/ML
STEM-related extracurricular activities: Astronomy clubs, telescope building teams, STEM competitions, etc.
Art: Large scale astronomy art projects, public installations, murals, etc.
3. Application Process:
2026 Application Schedule:
September 1, 2025 - Applications Open: An Online Application Form will be Available on the website and announced on Social Media.
January 16, 2026 - Application Deadline.
January 25, 2026 - Applicants are invited to present their ideas at the Board of Governors meeting during the Board of Governors meeting (though not required).
January 25, 2026 - A decision will be made by LVAAS Board of Governors.
January 26, 2026 - Awarded applicant is contacted by email and official letterhead, non-awarded applicants are contacted by email.
February 8, 2026 - Sponsorship Awardee and Project is announced at the General Meeting. The applicant is invited to present their project at the meeting (but not required). The applicant is publicly awarded an LVAAS Grant check. An announcement email is sent out to membership along with a link to a fundraising campaign.
December 2026 - Applicant is invited to speak at the LVAAS Holiday Party and present their completed project. They will also be awarded with an official LVAAS Certificate of Completion.
January 2027 - Project is published in the Observer, and the 2027 YSP Season is announced.
Application Requirements:
Detailed project proposal outlining the project goals, methodology, timeline, and budget.
Supporting materials (e.g., letters of recommendation, preliminary research, sketches/diagrams).
Presentation to the BoG: Applicants will present their projects to the Board of Governors during a designated meeting via Zoom. Suggested presentation media include YouTube video and PowerPoint Presentations.
Selection Criteria:
A Clear Focus on Astronomy
Selection will be made by the Board of Governors
Project Merit: The scientific/technical merit of the project, its feasibility, and potential impact.
Applicant's Dedication: The applicant's enthusiasm, commitment, and potential for growth.
Community Benefit: How the project may benefit LVAAS and its impact on the broader community.
4. Sponsorship Awardee Benefits:
Monetary Grant: The initial grant for the 2026 program will be $1000. Awardees are granted financial support from funds raised from the Scout Camping program to establish an annual grant. This grant value is adjusted annually based on the level of incoming funds from the Scout Camping Programs.
Direct Member Support: Awardees can gain further financial support from individual member contributions through a fundraising campaign.
Recognition and Exposure: Public recognition through the Observer, social media and LVAAS related presentations. An official Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the project.
Resume & Experience: Awardee may include their experience and accomplishments in their resumes, post-secondary education essays and applications, and personal blogs/social media or other publications.
Mentorship & Project Development Support: Awardee will have access to mentorship from experienced astronomers and other STEM professionals within the LVAAS community, along with project development guidance.
Access to LVAAS Resources: Awardees are granted supervised (either by a senior member or their parents trained in the equipment) access to the library, observatories, planetarium, one free monthly rental, and donated equipment on a case by case basis.
Ongoing Participation: Awardee will be invited to join the Astronomy in the Community committee to participate in the process beginning in the following year and continue the program for future awardees.
5. Program Administration:
The program will be administered by Astronomy in the Community, with regular oversight by LVAAS.
Examples of Past Proposals:
Claudio T. Stabile - Astronomy in the Community - 2023
Claudio T. Stabile built an Astronomy Observatory at the Polk Township North Field for his Eagle Scout project, with Polk Township as the Service Project Beneficiary. This service project gained the support of LVAAS with a 10" Meade LX200 Telescope for the project along with financial contributions from our membership through a GoFundMe campaign. The project was completed in August of 2023 and has had several hundred participants since. It also gained the support of the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project, awarding him with the 2023 Sponsorship of the Year with a 90mm Coronado Solarmax III Hydrogen Alpha Telescope. The experience further attracted Scholarship offers from universities and Claudio is now pursuing a degree in Aerospace Engineering (University TBD).
Ava A. Stabile - Microscopy & Astronomy in the Community - 2024
Ava A. Stabile - Microscopy & Astronomy in the Community - 2024 Ava A. Stabile partnered with the Western Pocono Community Library to establish a free Microscope and Telescope lending program for library patrons as she worked towards her Girl Scout Gold Award. This service project gained the support of LVAAS with a non-monetary Sponsorship which resulted in numerous financial contributions from membership. Further, she was supported by the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project with a Stereoscopic Microscope, 2 Macbooks and an iMac used to establish an in-library Microscopy Station. Director Stephen Ramsden then connected her with Celestron, which donated 4 digital microscopes and an 8” Celestron StarSense Dobsonian telescope. She partnered with Library Telescope to build a library-friendly 114mm Zhumell Tabletop Dobsonian Telescope. Her project advisor connected her with Rutgers University which donated 4 Laboratory Grade Olympus Microscopes. Finally, she gained the attention of an Anonymous STEM Education Advocate which awarded her with a $1000 grant which she used to fund a SeeStar S50, extended warranty and dedicated table. Her project was completed in August of 2024 and remains one of the most popular programs at the library!