Renewing your Membership

If your information has not changed, you do not need to fill out a form! Just send payment to the Membership Director using one of the methods under Payment.

If any information about your membership has changed, please enter the changes in the online renewal update form (click here) or fill out a Membership Renewal From (click here).


Dues amounts are as follows:

Regular Membership - $45.00 per year
Family Membership - $65.00 per year (2 adults living at same address, with dependents)
Sustaining Membership - $90.00 per year (attain Life Membership after 10 years)
Life Membership - $675.00
Junior/Student Membership - $15.00 (may be sponsored; email for info)


By credit card or PayPal account: click here  and enter your name and the membership type as a comment. Your dues payment will be processed as a donation. For full instructions, click here.

By check: mail to

LVAAS Membership
c/o Rich Hogg
1133 Wellington Circle
Laurys Station, PA  18059

By check or cash: bring to an LVAAS event and give it to the Membership Director, or if not present, someone designated by the LVAAS Board member in charge.

Important Dates

You do not owe dues if you joined on October 1 or later in the previous year.

Dues are payable by March 1 each year.

Membership becomes delinquent if dues are not paid by April 1.

Non-paying members are dropped from the rolls on June 1.

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Thank you!!!



Last Updated Thursday, November 30 2023 @ 01:20 AM EST  2,063 Hits