How to use Paypal to send money to LVAAS

Go to our PayPal link:

If needed, the PayPal QR Code is below (scroll to bottom of page).

Note that all payments to LVAAS are donations and this is how they are described when working with PayPal.

When you make your payment, you will have a chance to enter a comment, message or note. Please provide your name and/or the email address you use with LVAAS so that we can identify you, and indicate the purpose of the payment (for example, regular membership dues, family membership dues, donation, etc.)

The exact steps that you need to go through depend on the situation. Here are how some of the common ones went when we tested them (note that some details may change depending on your computer or device, your software, and changes to the PayPal system):

Paying on a PC, using a credit card, not logging into PayPal:

- enter amount
- click "Donate with Debit or Credit Card"
- click "+ Write a Note (Optional)"
- add note (see above)
- fill out credit card info, name, address, and telephone number
- click "Donate Now"

Paying on a PC, using PayPal (not already logged in)

- enter amount
- click "Donate with PayPal"
- enter email or mobile number, and password
- click "Log In"
- click "Add a note to your donation"
- add note (see above)
- click "Donate Now"

Paying on a PC, using PayPal (already logged in):

- enter amount
- click "Next"
- click "Add a note to your donation"
- add note (see above)
- click "Donate Now"

Paying using PayPal Mobile app:

- click Send
- in the "Name, username, email" enter "Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society" (you can do this by voice) or ""
- enter amount
- click "Add a nessage"
- enter message using keyboard or voice typing (see above)
- click Review
- click Send

Paying using PayPal Mobile app with QR Code:

- click Send
- click QR Code logo (foue small squares in box corner brackets next to "Name, username, email")
- if asked for permission to access camera, click "Allow" (and again if it asks you twice)
- you may be asked to set up some options if you haven't done this before
- enter amount
- click "Add a note (optional)"
- enter note (see above)
- click "Next"
- click "Pay Now"

Last Updated Thursday, November 30 2023 @ 09:51 PM EST  1,293 Hits