LVAAS General Meeting
Sunday February 2, 3 p.m. at Trumbower 130, Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA
Speaker is in person
"The Universe in 1913: Astronomy Through a Century-Old Lens"
Featuring Mike Huber
Mike will take us back to 1913 to explore the scientific understanding of astronomy as presented in a university textbook from that era. We'll delve into how astronomers of the time perceived the cosmos, from their theories about the structure of the Milky Way to their insights into celestial phenomena. This retrospective will highlight the foundational ideas and limitations of early 20th-century astronomy, showcasing how far we've come in just over a century.
Michael Huber has been a member of the Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society since 2020 and discovered his passion for astrophotography in 2021. Some of his images of the universe have been recognized as "Top Picks" on AstroBin, and he has the incredible honor of having his photo of M13, the great globular cluster in Hercules, featured on the cover of this year's edition of The Observer’s Handbook. Growing up with a father who was a professor of theoretical astrophysics, Mike developed a lifelong love of astronomy, which continues to inspire his exploration of the night sky and his contributions to the club.
Prospective new members who wish to attend the meeting should email