LDN 673 dark nebula in Aquila
LDN 673 dark nebula in Aquila. The nebula is superimposed upon the clouds and stars of the Milky Way.
Taken @ Cherry Springs State Park on 08-28 and 08-29-2016.
The details:
William Optics Zenithstar 80; TeleVue Flattener/Reducer; QSI583wsg; Baader LRGB filters. Guided off axis with a Starlight Xpress Lodestar guider on a HEQ-5 mount.
luminance 32 @ 5 minutes each unbinned, RGB 25 each @ 2 minutes binned 2x2. Aquired in AstoArt. Calibrated and stacked in Deep Sky Stacker. Processed in Photoshop. Diffraction spikes added with “Star Spikes Pro”
Taken @ Cherry Springs State Park on 08-28 and 08-29-2016.
The details:
William Optics Zenithstar 80; TeleVue Flattener/Reducer; QSI583wsg; Baader LRGB filters. Guided off axis with a Starlight Xpress Lodestar guider on a HEQ-5 mount.
luminance 32 @ 5 minutes each unbinned, RGB 25 each @ 2 minutes binned 2x2. Aquired in AstoArt. Calibrated and stacked in Deep Sky Stacker. Processed in Photoshop. Diffraction spikes added with “Star Spikes Pro”