NGC 053 The Silver Dollar Galaxy
The Silver Dollar Galaxy in Sculptor 22.8 degrees altitude at transit
Taken at Cherry Springs State Park 09-07 and 09-08 2015
Celestron C8 with Starizona reducer/corrector @f7.5 QSI583wsg
LRGB luminance 22 x 5 minutes binned 2x2
RGB 10 each @ 5 minutes binned 2x2
Aquired in Astroart, stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, aligned in Registar and processed in Photoshop
Taken at Cherry Springs State Park 09-07 and 09-08 2015
Celestron C8 with Starizona reducer/corrector @f7.5 QSI583wsg
LRGB luminance 22 x 5 minutes binned 2x2
RGB 10 each @ 5 minutes binned 2x2
Aquired in Astroart, stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, aligned in Registar and processed in Photoshop