M13 in Hercules
This is a first light LRGB image taken with an SBig STF 8300M CCD and WO 110 FLT TMB Triplet APO. Sky conditions were poor on 5-17-13. 10 x 3min L binned 1x1, 10 x 1min Baader Planetarium RGB filters binned 2x2, No flats were used, Nebulosity capture & calibration, Photshop,+HLVG plug-in post processed. A field flattener has since been added to the imaging train.
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Media ID | 20130531155023994 |
Date | Friday, May 31 2013 @ 02:54 PM EDT |
Comments | 0 |
Views | 2306 |
Uploaded By | Mike Tapper |