NGC 1333 Another ViewMichael L. MorganAlbum: NebulaThursday, October 29 2015 @ 02:09 PM EDTViews 92172Keywords NGC 1333; reflection nebula; star forming region; Perseus, B 295, Barnard 205
M13 The Great Hercules ClusterMichael L. MorganAlbum: Globular ClustersWednesday, August 26 2015 @ 11:35 PM EDTViews 35739Keywords Messier 13; M13; NGC 6205; Hercules
M31 The Great Andromeda GalaxyMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesTuesday, October 21 2014 @ 04:47 PM EDTViews 70932Keywords M31; M32; M110; NGC 224; NGC 221; NGC 205; Andromeda; Galaxy
M13Michael L. MorganAlbum: Globular ClustersThursday, April 09 2009 @ 05:31 PM EDTViews 41676Keywords M13, NGC6205, Great Cluster, Globular, Hercules
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