Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in Cepheus
The Cave nebula and surrounding nebulosity it Cepheus
Taken @ Cherry Springs State Park the morning of 07-01-2011. (L, Ha) RGB Luminance 14 x 5 minutes unbinned Ha 13 x 10 minutes unbinned RGB 5 x 4 minutes each binned 2x2. Total exposure 4 hours 20 minutes.
William Optics FLT-110 w/Astro Tech Field Flattener, QSI 583wsg, Baader LRGB & H-alpha filters.
Taken @ Cherry Springs State Park the morning of 07-01-2011. (L, Ha) RGB Luminance 14 x 5 minutes unbinned Ha 13 x 10 minutes unbinned RGB 5 x 4 minutes each binned 2x2. Total exposure 4 hours 20 minutes.
William Optics FLT-110 w/Astro Tech Field Flattener, QSI 583wsg, Baader LRGB & H-alpha filters.