M22 Globular in Sagittarius
M22 in globular cluster in Sagittarius. It is one of the nearest and brightest clusters. Certainly one of my favorite visual objects. I had imaged this several years ago with my FLT-110 and was quite satisfied with the results. That was until a fellow LVAAS member sent me an image taken with a 12” Ritchey Chretien. Unfortunately for star clusters aperture rules, hence the need to drag a larger beast with me.
Taken at Cherry Springs State Park July 16-17th, 2015. Celestron CGE1100 with a Starizona F7.5 reducer/corrector (2100 mm effective focal length) QSI583wsg camera binned 2x2 LRGB. Aquired in Astroart, stacked in DSS, further aligned in Registar and processed in Photoshop.