NGC6992 & 6995, the Eastern Veil Nebula in Cygnus "The Network"
NGC6992 & 6995, the Eastern portions of the Veil Nebula in Cygnus, also called "The Network Nebula"". This image was captured July 29-30 at Pulpit Rock. AT-111EDT @ f7, SBIG STF-8300C CCD camera, iOptron iEQ45 mount guided by PHD Guiding through an Orion Awesome Autoguider setup. PHD Link connected, small dithering. Image parameters: 13 X 10-minute OSC frames, 2 hours & 10 minutes total exposure, Nebulosity 3.1 pre-process, Photoshop CS3 post-process. FOV = 79.4 X 59.7 arcmin.