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Bob Franke'simages, tutorials and more (1,351)
This is an interesting website by Bob Franke, an individual who has tutorials, images, general info, etc. Well worth a look.
CCD Calc (793)
Free program to calculate your image scale and show what your image will look like with your scope & CCD combo. Contains images of well known DSO's
CCD Calc doftware (974)
Ron Wadowski's free program which allows you to input your telescope and CCD camera to determine your image arcsec/pixel and FOV. Program also contain most of the popular M, NGC, IC, etc. images so you can see ahead to time what your image will or will not frame.
Combining Images with different expsoure times (1,349)
This website from Jerry Lodriguss shows to combine exposures with different expoure times.
Don Waid image processing tutorials (901)
These are several free on-line video tutorials by Don Waid which show you some of the ways to use Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, process astroimages and solve particular processing problems.
FITs Liberator software website (1,769)
FITs liberator is the plug-in for Photoshop which allows you to use fits images. The website is the offical scorce for this plug-in. Also contains documentation.
How a CCD chip works (7,245)
This article is from Nikon micorscopes, but does an excellent job of explaining how a CCD chip works and the basics of the electronics involved. Written is non-technical easy to understand language.
Introduction to Astronomy (1,669)
A genoeral intro to astronomy
IRIS, DSLR RAW data file processing software (3,569)
Download the IRIS software here.
Ken Crawfort video tutorials (760)
This site offers Ken Crawford's free video image processing tutorials.
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