The Splinter Galaxy NGC 5907 in DracoAlbum: GalaxiesTuesday, June 28 2016 @ 07:57 PM EDTViews 45523Keywords Splinter Galaxy, NGC5907, Spiral galaxy, Draco
M101 RevisitedMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesMonday, June 13 2016 @ 03:24 PM EDTViews 83885Keywords Messier 101; M101; NGC 5457; Ursa Major; Spiral Galaxy
The Whirlpool GalaxyMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesSunday, June 12 2016 @ 02:51 AM EDTViews 59931Keywords M51; NGC5195; NGC 5194; Whirlpool Galaxy; Canes Venatici
NGC 053 The Silver Dollar GalaxyMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesMonday, September 14 2015 @ 03:13 PM EDTViews 47382Keywords Sculptor Galaxy; Silver Coin Galaxy; Silver Dollar Galaxy; NGC 253; spiral galaxy; Sculptor
The Little Sombrero NGC 7814Michael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesSaturday, September 12 2015 @ 03:06 PM EDTViews 55514Keywords NGC 7814; little sombrero; UGC 8; Caldwell 43; spiral galaxy; Pegasus
NGC6946 The Fireworks Galaxy in CepheusMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesFriday, August 28 2015 @ 04:45 PM EDTViews 55404Keywords NGC6946; Caldwell 12; Arp 29; Fireworks Galaxy; Cepheus
M33 The Pin Wheel Galaxy in TriagulumMike TapperAlbum: GalaxiesFriday, September 26 2014 @ 11:00 PM EDTViews 46353Keywords M33, Spiral galaxy, Triangulum galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy, M31Mike TapperAlbum: GalaxiesFriday, September 19 2014 @ 04:44 PM EDTViews 47999Keywords Galaxy, M31, Spiral galaxy, Andromeda
Mars in Infra Red Light.....Album: MarsThursday, May 15 2014 @ 09:42 PM EDTViews 57412Keywords 16 Newtonian, F22, IR Pass filter on IS DMK Monochrome camera operating at 60fps. Best 1000 frames from 6000 frames (2 minute video)........
SaturnAlbum: SaturnThursday, May 15 2014 @ 09:17 PM EDTViews 68596Keywords May 11th 2014. 8 inch Newtonian, F20, IS DMK monochrome camera operating at 30fps. Color synthesized from (IR)RGB
Markarian's ChainMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesTuesday, May 06 2014 @ 03:00 AM EDTViews 73523Keywords Markarians chain, Virgo cluster, M84; NGC 4374; M86; NGC 4406; NGC 4477; NGC 4473; NGC 4461; NGC 4458; NGC 4438; NGC 4435
NGC 2903 Barred Spiral Galaxy in LeoMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesSunday, April 20 2014 @ 04:00 AM EDTViews 44091Keywords NGC 2903; Barred spiral; galaxy; Leo
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