IC 5146 the Cocoon Nebula in CygnusAlbum: NebulaFriday, September 18 2015 @ 09:53 PM EDTViews 60793Keywords IC 5146; Caldwell 19; Sh 2-125; Cocoon Nebula; Cygnus
NGC6946 The Fireworks Galaxy in CepheusMichael L. MorganAlbum: GalaxiesFriday, August 28 2015 @ 04:45 PM EDTViews 62982Keywords NGC6946; Caldwell 12; Arp 29; Fireworks Galaxy; Cepheus
Wide Field CocoonMAlbum: NebulaSunday, September 07 2014 @ 08:56 AM EDTViews 41915Keywords IC 5146; Cocoon; Caldwell 19; Sh 2-125; Cocoon Nebula; Barnard 168
NGC 7129 reflection nebula in CepheusAlbum: NebulaSaturday, September 06 2014 @ 03:30 PM EDTViews 26791Keywords reflection nebula; Cepheus; NGC7129
M4 Globular Cluster in ScorpiusMichael L. MorganAlbum: Globular ClustersWednesday, June 20 2012 @ 04:00 AM EDTViews 28681Keywords M4; Globular Cluster; Scorpius; NGC 6121
M12 Globular Cluster in OphiuchusMichael L. MorganAlbum: Globular ClustersTuesday, July 05 2011 @ 02:30 PM EDTViews 32802Keywords M12; globular cluster; Ophiuchus; NGC 6218
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